Showing posts with label 30 Day Shred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30 Day Shred. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

the weekly chase #15

On Tuesdays I link up my Weekly Chase goals with Mindy from Road Runner Girl. Below is a recap from how the goals from last week went over, and my new goals for this week.

Weekly goals for July 7–13; recap

Goal #1 - Continue to log all of my calories in My Fitness Paland either hit or stay under calorie goals. I'd like to lost 2 pounds by the end of the month (starting with a small goal – I don't need to lose much weight, but think 5 would be great... gain muscle by toning and get rid of the fat). 
Yes, I managed to stay under all week.

Goal #2 - Sign up for the gym and go swimming at least once. 
Fail. Want to sign up with my husband, so we could swim the first few times together (I need a bit of assistance and would rather share a lane with someone I know... since I'm positive I'll be all over the lane haha), but we were too busy and couldn't find the time. Hoping for next week.

Goal #3 - Drink at least 48 oz of water/day. 

Goal #4 - Hit goal of 10,000 steps/day via Fitbit (feel free to go to my contact page for the link to add me as a friend).
Ugh, nope. I was really bad this week. It makes me wonder why I set the goal, but maybe I would be even worse if I didn't. From Monday–Sunday, it went like this: 5752, 9095, 16547, 14360, 7339, 6031, 13180. So days I hit them were some really good step days, but the ones I missed were very disappointing in the steps number.

Goal #5 - Continue Dopey training. 
Check. Week 2 is complete. I also have kept the running streak alive, which I find very exciting!

Goal #6 – Eat healthier. I've been doing pretty good with adding salads and fruit to my daily meal routine, but got a bit off track over the holiday weekend. This will also help with goal #1.
Yes, not too shabby!

Weekly goals for July 14–20

Goal #1 - I'm combining a few goals here that go together, and that I have every week (so want to condense, rather than have 8 goals a week haha). Continue to log all of my calories in My Fitness Pal and stay within my calorie allotment for the day. Eat healthier. Drink 48 oz of water a day.

Goal #2 - 
Hit goal of 10,000 steps/day via Fitbit (friend me here).

Goal #3 - Continue Dopey training.

Goal #4 – Strength train two days and 30 Day Shred three days.

Thanks for hosting the weekly chase link upMindy

Road Runner Girl

What are your goals for this week?