Showing posts with label Chicago Marathon Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago Marathon Training. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2016

chicago marathon 2016: expo and race day goals

Ahhhhh! The time has come! It's Chicago Marathon weekend! Yesterday I went to the expo. I was hoping to get there right at opening, but traffic (and a little extra sleep) had me arriving closer to 9:30. You know, since once you hit the parking lot it's another 15 minutes to walk all the way over to the Lake Side Exhibit Hall.

I knew there would be a ton of people there I would want to try and meet up. Plus... I knew all of the gear from the exhibitor would be amazing and I might have trouble controlling myself. 

When you arrive, you head to an open table/volunteer with a computer to give them your QR code (either from the email they sent or the participant guide sent in the mail) and show them your ID. Then they tell you what table to head over to, and when you get there they double check your name and give you a folder with your bib number in it. Then you head instead the hall to get your bag/shirt at the back of the hall. I didn't have any trouble with lines - plenty of workers. I really like the shirt this year. It's a nice design and it's neon yellow, which I'm a fan of (love bright colors).

After that I met up with Mark and his wife to chat and shop around. We stopped for a Bartie with Bart Yasso (he's so awesome) as well as get a photo with Shalane and Elyse (there wasn't a line so even though I had a photo with them the previous night at their Book Tour event, I had to get another!). 

Then I headed to the Nike customization shirt line. I didn't even know it was a thing, but Frank texted me about being in a long line for it, and figured it was good and should check it out haha. In line I made friends with the folks in front and behind of me. The women in front of me were friendly – for one if was her first marathon. The girl behind me was going into her third like me. We all chatted about who we were getting shirts for and what we'd put on them. There was a 10 character limit, which hindered a lot of the ideas we came up. Lots of brainstorming happening – Chi Marathon, Chicago 26.2, Chicago 2016... most didn't fit haha. I actually just planned on grabbing a shirt for myself with my own name, then heard someone else say it was weird to wear a shirt with your name on it ha. I ended up just doing that anyway, as I was like, I can wear it, look down and it's motivation haha. The girl behind me did the same. I also got a shirt for my mom. Then it was a 2 hour wait for the shirts to get made. No problem - lots of other exhibitors to look at. I think the line took about 40–50 minutes to get through to order. I saw Frank pass a few times and Mark once.

I do love the running community because it's so easy to talk with everyone. I talked with everyone that I was in line with, with all of the people checking me out. Such a friendly and open group.

At Goose Island I grabbed a Chicago Marathon 26.2 t-shirt and glass.

Next I headed to get official Nike gear. I loved all the shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets. The sweatshirts this year had the awesome neck (it's like cowl or whatever it's called). SO COMY. I loved the one from 2015 so of course had to get one of those. Also grabbed a white element and a t-shirt or two. It was a long line, but it moved very quickly.

After that I met up with Frank and Mark to get some BibRave Pro photos together. While we talked about Sunday, how to find Mark at the aid station, game plans for post-race, etc, Jessica ran up to us! I was so happy. I didn't think I'd see her until after the race so it was a nice surprise. She said she spotted us so easily since we were all wearing our orange.

Then I was able to meet up with Amelia and chat for a little bit about the race and life. Love getting to see her. 

Then I hit up North Face that had some awesome sweatshirts and shirts for men and women, and New Balance that had some really cool Chicago themed shirts and jackets. I only bought a shirt (hard to decide which one, but just one) at NB, and a sweatshirt at NF. After that I just wondered around and waited till about 2 hours had passed and then went to grab my shirts. That part was a bit of a pain. There wasn't an official line, so just kind of had to step up with your ticket to see if your stuff was ready. Luckily, I ran into some ladies that were close to my number, so we stood together and were helped in a group. They did have workers coming out with the bags and announcing the numbers, but often times those people weren't there waiting. Anyway, the one worker took our tickets and was pretty quick to help us out after about 10 minutes waiting. She couldn't find the one shirt, so they had it made while I waited. That didn't take too long. I did appreciate all of their hard work and efforts. It did seem like a bit of a jumble, but most people seemed patient and polite, so always happy to see that.

I like to collect pint glasses, but unfortunately the official merchandise pint glass was the same exact one as last year, just with a year change. Boo. Instead I bought a water bottle (not that I need another... but oh well). 

I got my parking validated and headed out. The expo got full FAST. It was tough to maneuver around and was a bit stressful. It's why I like to get it done two days before the race so I can spend the next day relaxing. I was there for about four hours.

After I got home, I was so exhausted, but I ate my lunch late (2:30) then headed grocery shopping, unpacked, and then went for my 4mile run. It was the last one before race day, and weather was fantastic. In the low 60s and the sun was beginning to set, so it was amazing for a run. I was keeping it easy, and was so surprised at my pace when I was done. I wasn't out of breath or felt like I had to walk more. I did 50/30 intervals and saw lots of other friendly folks out for a walk or run. Lots of smiles. One guy walking, when I passed by the second time, was even like 'here she is, going so fast'. That is not something I've ever hear someone say about me haha. Another guy was running on the paved track on the left, and I didn't want to surprise him, so said 'passing on your right' so he knew I was there, and he said thanks and that I was having a great run. So nice when others around you are nice, friendly, and polite too. Made me even happier. 

So on to my goals and game plan for the weekend. I am going to wear my newer shoes that have about 40 miles on them. They have better cushion and feel better than my older shoes I originally planned to wear. Intervals will be 45/30 for the first 8, 40/30 the next 8, and then either stay that way if I'm feeling good come 16, and if/when I'm getting too tired for that, it'll be 30/30 to the finish line.

Now my goals. I shall list them in order of 'easier' to 'tougher. Then, if I hit more than the first, I can say I hit 2 or 3 of my goals haha.

Goal 1: Finish in 6:30. That's a 14:53 pace and the cut off time. I didn't make that last year, so even if I finish at the cut off time, then at least I did better than last year and will be an OFFICIAL finisher. I know I can make that happen. This is my most realistic goal.

Goal 2: 14:30 pace with a finish time of 6:19:54. I managed my 20 miler with this pace, and that was back on August 21. About a month and a half has passed and I feel stronger and more capable, so I don't think this is too much of a stretch.

Goal 3: Average pace of 14. That is a finish time of 6:06:48. This is a bit of a stretch, but it's the goal I'm gunning for. 

I like to have a bunch of goals, so that I know I'll hit at least one of these, and in the end, I'll be proud of myself no matter what. I'm going to finish, and it's going to be awesome.

I trained even harder this year, put in more miles, and put my body and mind through the ringer. I am ready and feeling confident, though there are of course plenty of nerves too. That's natural.

I'm spending today gathering all of my gear, post-race clothes, doing laundry, and hydrating / laying on the couch watching tv. I slept in until 9 and it felt awesome. I am ready to go. How about you?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

chicago marathon training 2016: week 10

Week 10 of Chicago Marathon Training
Monday, July 18: Burgers and Beer 5k
Tuesday, July 19: 8 miles; 45/30;
Wednesday, July 20: Strength Train
Thursday, July 21: 8 miles; 45/30; 
Friday, July 22: Strength Train
Saturday, July 23: Rest Day / Stretch / Roll
Sunday, July 24: 10 miles; 30/30

Week Total Mileage: 29.12 
Marathon Training Mileage: 279.28
YTD: 705.6

Great night for a race... and great food and beer!

After a weekend of racing, I capped it off with a Monday night run at Soldier Field/Lakefront Path for Burgers and Beer 5k. I believe this was my third or fourth time running this race – always a blast. I love burgers and beer and running, so why wouldn't I enjoy it? Haha.

The weather was warm and humid, but not too unpleasant. I ran with my mom and thoroughly enjoyed the food and beer after the race. They do awards and lots of giveaways at the end of the race party, which is awesome (even though I didn't win anything).

Tuesday I ran 8 miles. I would have pushed it to Wednesday after running the previous 3 days, but storms prevented that from happening. I was pretty wiped and it was about 88 degrees when I went out for my runch. I drank about 50oz of water haha. I had some troubles with the last 2 miles, and did more walking than I would have liked mile 7–8, but overall I'm seeing improvements and that makes me happy.

Sweat in the eyes! Can't be controlled during selfies haha.

Thursday was another crazy hot one at 95–100 degrees. I managed to stay outside for 5 miles before going inside on the treadmill at the gym for 3 more to finish the 8 for the day. I was feeling ok, but could feel myself crashing from the heat and humidity around mile 4, so at 5 I ran by the gym and popped on the treadmill – so very little time between the two runs. I had created a workout for the treadmill, so did 40/30 intervals on that so I didn't have to manually adjust the whole time. After finishing up at the gym, I walked home as a cool down.

Notice that small piece of lighter fabric? The only place not soaked haha.

So. Dang. Hot.

Sunday was meant to be 12 miles, but that just wasn't in the cards. I got 6.5 miles done outside in high heat and humidity, and couldn't get anymore outside. Being so sweaty, I stopped home to grab a bite to eat, shower, and then went to the gym. Again, I was hoping to finish up the 12 miles there, but my knee was hurting, so I called it quits at 3.5 more on the treadmill to be 10 miles total. I'm always disappointed when I don't get in all of my miles, but I didn't think messing up my knee was worth the 2 miles I missed. Luckily, it felt better the next week – so not sure if it was just some random thing, possibly going from pavement to treadmill, or maybe shoes I normally don't wear on there. I can't say for sure what the problem was, just happy that it didn't last long.

This summer I just can't finish any distance run without a soaked shirt or tank top
with minimal dry spots haha.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

chicago marathon training 2016: week 9

Week 9 of Chicago Marathon Training
Monday, July 11: Rest/Stretch/Roll (travel day)
Tuesday, July 12Rest/Stretch/Roll
Wednesday, July 13: 8 miles; 40/30 intervals; 1:54:28; 14:18 average pace
Thursday, July 145 miles; 40/30 intervals; 1:09:42; 13:56 average pace
Friday, July 15Rest/Stretch/Roll
Saturday, July 16: Rock 'n' Roll Chicago 5k (Garmin - 3 miles); 40/30 intervals; 38:54; 12:47 average pace
Sunday, July 17: Rock 'n' Roll Chicago 10k (Garmin - 6.3 miles); 40/30 intervals; 1:17:01; 12:18 average pace

Week Total Mileage: 22.3 

Marathon Training Mileage: 250.16
YTD: 676.48

Tough 8 miles after coming home from racecation.

This week was a bit tough – getting back to reality after a tiring vacation is not always fun. I ended up skipping strength training all together as I tried to get back into the swing of working, cleaning, unpacking, laundry, etc.

8 miles was supposed to be Tuesday, but pushed it to Wednesday as Tuesday was spent catching up on work/life. Those 8 miles were toooooough. My legs weren't having it – whether it be the heat and humidity or a bit of exhaustion post-vacation, or most likely both. Either way, I got through all of it outside, even though I was so very tempted to go on a treadmill at the gym to get out of the heat.

5 miles on Thursday on another brutal weather day. I was thankful for any breeze that blew threw and any bit of shade I could get into while running. 

5 miles in more heat and humidity. Sweaty!

Rock 'n' Roll expo was on Friday and then the 5k on Saturday morning. Weather wasn't too awful (actually in the mid-70s, sunny, 80% humidity)l, and I was pretty happy with our time. It was a new course this year, and I think it helped with some congestion issues (it used to be all on the path – this year started on the streets and eventually went onto the path). I ran this one with my mom.

RnR Chicago 5k!

Sunday I stuck with the 10k, as it cost WAY too much to upgrade to the half. The weather was actually ok - cloudy, which I like, and not nearly as hot as it's been the past two years (which was why I registered for the 10k instead of the half - it's usually 90 degrees and sunny with high humidity which meant by the end of the race I was miserable). I decided to run this on my own, doing the intervals I felt would work best for me. I ended up getting a new PR, which was really exciting. It was still warm and humid, and I got a side stitch around mile 5 that slowed me down some that last mile, but I pushed pretty hard and was very pleased with my results. It's nice to see the hard work paying off. 

After the race I met up with my friend Tom for some photos and chit chat, and then shortly after saying goodbye to him, it started to pour, so we walked back to the car parked at Soldier Field. Of course we were drenched with squishy shoes by then, but it felt kind of nice to get a mini-shower in haha.

RnR Chicago 10k. Received the Remix Challenge medal for running 5k and 10k.

I was planning on getting in more miles when I got home after eating some lunch and digesting, but a family issue came up that I had to deal with (nothing bad, just something time consuming and exhausting), so ended up with just the 6.2. Womp womp.

I'd like to point out that the plan I'm using is specifically tailored for me – my abilities, preferences, and goals. Each and everyone of us is different and trains differently, so I wouldn't suggest trying to copy my plan, but tailoring one to your own needs/goals. Or even better, using a coach like I do because they know what they are doing... I don't haha. 

I love Sweat Tracker and would recommend them to anyone interested in using a coach. And don't go thinking that coaches are only for the elite or fast. As you can see by my pace, I am anything but, and at first was intimidated by the thought of using a coach, but I really have benefited from it and lost all self consciousness. They are there to help improve YOU, not anyone else. No judgements, only encouragement. It's honestly one of the best decisions I've made in my running 'career' so to speak — using a coach. I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for them.

Monday, July 18, 2016

chicago marathon training 2016: week 8

Week 8 of Chicago Marathon Training
Monday, July 4: 6 miles at CP, 40/30, 1:19:00, 13:10 average pace, and Strength Training (week 3, workout 1)
Tuesday, July 5Rest/Stretch/Roll (travel day)
Wednesday, July 6: 8 miles at CP, 40/30, 1:51:34, 13:56 average pace (I stopped a few times to take photos, and it was hot, so we took our time and enjoyed the sights)
Thursday, July 7: Rest/Stretch/Roll (travel day)
Friday, July 8: 4.77 miles Hiking Mt Abraham
Saturday, July 9: Rest/Stretch/Roll
Sunday, July 10: Mad Half Marathon (13.19 miles), 3:01:34, 13:46 average pace

Week Total Mileage: 27.19 (running miles only)
Marathon Training Mileage: 227.86
YTD: 654.18

I was traveling this week and so I rearranged a bit to fit things in. Originally, it should have been 6 on Tuesday, 8 on Thursday, 4 on Saturday and then the half on Sunday. I knew with traveling Tuesday I wouldn't have time to run, so I ran on the 6 on Monday. I thought I could manage without any water for 6 miles, but by mile 3 I was cursing myself for not brining anything. I get so thirsty in this heat! I went home and chugged down some Ultima. It was so refreshing.

6 miles on Monday went pretty well.
Rehydrated with Ultima Replenisher Raspberry when I was done.

Thursday, while in Portland, Maine, my husband and I woke up a little earlier so we could go for an 8 miler around the town. The husband, being so wonderful, had looked up some (mostly paved) trails to run. I'd like to point out that while he does run, he is not one that likes to do races, or generally would use vacation time to go running. He was very nice in allowing me to go for my training run, and even nicer that he wanted to do it together. This was the first time I ever ran on vacation that didn't include a race. I've never done training on vacation – I gave myself permission to just enjoy time with whoever I was with, but it was so great to be able to stick with my schedule (for the most part) and still spend time with the hubs. It's a great way to explore a new city. 

It was so pretty running by the bay. Very calming.

We ran one that then connected to another that went around a lake for 3 miles. We had about .25 miles left at the end, so we ran to the Starbucks that was a little farther away to hit the full 8. There, we ordered some Trenta Refreshers and some water, since we only brought the one 16oz bottle with us on the run, and that needed to be preserved in order to last. He usually doesn't drink a lot of water when he runs, so I figured the one bottle would be plenty... but he ended up drinking more than I anticipated haha. Oh well, we survived.

The rest of the day we checked out breweries, Mead Works, and ate some delicious food. Thursday we left Portland (but first had stopped at Starbucks for coffee and Holy Donuts for the best donuts ever!) and traveled to Hill Farmstead Brewery, then Alchemist, and then checked in at our B&B. We settled in, went out for dinner, and had an early night.

Some photos from our hike.

I ended up skipping the 4 mile run on Saturday because it was storming most of the day. Also, we had done a 4.77 mile hike up and down Mt Abraham on Friday. To get to summit was about 2.6 miles, and about .25 miles away we saw storm clouds rolling in. Since the last part was mostly scrambling up some rocks, and we both only had gym shoes on, we figured it be best to just head back down early so as not to have to deal with slippy rocks. Mind you, we still had some slippy parts to deal with, and I might have fell once or twice, tripped a ton, and got pretty frustrated by the end at how tired my quads were, but we both made it back down (one of us with a few more bruises than when we started). 

We went back to shower and relax a bit, then headed to Ben and Jerry's Factory Tour where we had some ice cream cones, saw the factory, and got a free sample of Americone Dreams. Yum. We then had some beers at Blackback Pub and dinner at Prohibition Pig. Great food and beer in Vermont!

There were hills, rain, beer, and a fun medal. Great time!

Saturday was a rainy day, and we didn't have many plans. We picked up our packets, checked out the farmers market, and then spent the rest of the day at the B&B. We played some Scattegories out on the covered porch while the rain came down and then watched Indiana Jones. Pasta dinner that night and an early bedtime (or at least an attempt at one).

The Mad Half on Sunday was amazing. After hearing about the killer hills, I honestly was just hoping to finish in 3:30. I did much better than that, and was so pleased. At mile 11 I saw we were close to hitting 3 hours or maybe even under, so I ran way more than I ever do without taking a walk break. I think the last two miles I took maybe three walk breaks to catch my breath, but ran the rest of it. I was very proud of myself for pushing so hard. 

I'll have a recap up on the blog later today. As you can see, I'm busy trying to catch up on real world life now that I'm back from vacation, and over this past weekend it's been races galore, so I'm quite behind ;)

Monday, July 4, 2016

chicago marathon training 2016: week 7

Week 7 of Chicago Marathon Training
Monday, June 27: Rest/Stretch/Roll
Tuesday, June 28: 6 miles at CP, 40/30, 1:18:39, 13:06 average pace
Wednesday, June 29: Strength Training (week 2, workout 1)
Thursday, June 30: 8 miles at CP, 40/30, 1:50:21, 13:47 average pace
Friday, July 1: Strength Training (week 2, workout 2)
Saturday, July 2: 18 miles at CP, 30/30
Sunday, July 3: Rest/Stretch/Roll

Week Total Mileage: 32
Marathon Training Mileage: 200.67
YTD: 626.99

First workout up this week was a Medium Run. 6 miles at Conversation Pace with 40/30 run/walk intervals. It. Felt. Awesome. I was feeling kind of slow and sluggish the first 2 miles, but when I saw what my pace was I was surprised. I definitely was expecting my legs to feel like lead since only two days ago I had done 16 miles. They didn't. I just sort of let them go at the pace they felt comfortable with, and if it weren't for mile 2, I would have negative splits for the whole run. Still, negative split from mile 2–6 is awesome for me, and I was so proud when I was done. The temps were perfect for a summer run — unusually 'cool' with 68 degrees, cloudy, and 60% humidity. Pretty sure having a cloudy/coolish (compared to the 80s and 90s we've been having) day really helped me out here. 

Strength training went well this week. I was back to week 2 of the plan, and man, these exercises are still tough! That one-legged deadlift seems to be my worst enemy, as I wake up with sore glutes anytime I have done that exercise. 

8 miles on Thursday was interesting. It was my longest run on a weekday that didn't count as my long run. And it was the longest run to have 40/30 intervals for the entirety. Up until now, it has only been used up to 6 miles. I was feeling pretty good most of the run. It was back to warmer temps, but was feeling ok. At mile 4 I had a weird pang in my knee, but it went away just as quickly as it came. Then at mile 6 it came back with a vengeance. I had to stop and stretch and walk when I should have been running. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it home. I kept on moving, and eventually it mostly went away so I was able to finish up the 8. It didn't hurt too bad when walking, just running. I don't know if something flared up from doing so many miles or what, but I was afraid it wouldn't go away for my long run Saturday. I made sure to ice it and I taped it for my LR, in hopes that it wouldn't be around. 

On Saturday, I was actually awake early and ready to get running – a rarity for me, as I prefer to sleep in the morning haha. Unfortunately, I woke up with a horrible stomach ache. I gathered all of my gear, but ended up needing to lay down a while longer. I didn't get to the trail until close to 9 and the parking was jam packed. Luckily, I found someone leaving and was able to pull in after they left. I sun screened and bug sprayed up and was on my way. The first few miles were so slow, due to the stomach ache. I gave myself 3 miles for the ache to go away before calling it quits and trying again on Sunday. Luckily, around mile 2 they subsided and I was able to run the rest of my miles without much trouble.

I was pretty surprised at how well I was feeling after the first 9 miles. I had taped my knee up, and was having no trouble with it. I refilled at mile 10 and mentally broke up the run into two more parts of 4 miles. It made it easier to keep running rather than thinking 8 more. I kept a pretty good pace and was feeling good until about mile 16 where I got a bit tired and the sun decided to make its appearance. Temps ranged from 65–74, mostly cloudy (thankfully), and 60% humidity. I was able to maintain the 30/30 run/walk intervals for most of the run until that 17th mile, and then I did a little more walking. I also ended about .75 miles from my car, so once I hit 17 I stopped the watch and walked the rest of the way as a cool down.

When I got back to the car, I mixed up my newly acquired Ultima Replenisher Raspberry packet with some ice water I had in a cooler. It tasted really good and was really refreshing, especially since I really had to ration out the water I had with me on my run the last few miles. By mile 16 I was nearly out, so I told myself the treat for finishing 18 miles strong was that I would get to finish what was in the bottle. Problem was, I was so thirsty on the walk back all I could think about was that Ultima/cold water in the car ready for the drinking. When I got home I chugged some chocolate milk, showered, ate some watermelon and feta cheese, and then relaxed the rest of the day until dinner time, when I headed up to my favorite brewery for my favorite food truck (grilled cheese and loaded fries!). Yum. Probably not the best way to reward myself, but I did feel like I had earned it haha.

I ended up with a 14:32 pace, which is pretty fantastic for me. I had to go back and look at my past runs to compare, and I found a 19 miler in September where my pace was 15:40, so an improvement of over a minute per mile (I know that was a mile longer, but couldn't find any data for another 18 miler, though I'm sure I have it somewhere...), and it was pretty warm out, to me at least. How awesome is that? I also had very little pain the next day. My quads were a little sore, but no pain so bad I had trouble walking or using stairs haha.

I'm sure I've said this so much already in the past few weeks, but I'm very pleased with how training is going this cycle. Sweat Tracker has been helping me improve immensely, and I know for certain I wouldn't be seeing these improvements without their help. 

PS If you're interested in trying Ultima Replenisher yourself, head on over to the website and use code BIBRAVE2016 for 25% off + free shipping. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

chicago marathon training 2016: week 6

Week 6 of Chicago Marathon Training
Monday, June 20: Strength Training (starting over - week 1, workout 1)
Tuesday, June 21: 6 miles at CP, 40/30, 1:23:35, 13:56 average pace
Wednesday, June 22: Strength Training (week 1, workout 2)
Thursday, June 23: 6 miles at CP, 40/30, 1:20:12, 13:22 average pace
Friday, June 24: Rest/Stretch/Roll
Saturday, June 25: Chicago Bears 5k, 3.22* miles, 43:26, 13:30 average pace
Sunday, June 26: 16 miles at CP, 30/30 planned. 8 miles outside - 1:53:52, 14:14 average pace. 1.8 miles outside - 26:21, 14:46 average pace. 6.2 miles on treadmill, 60/60 intervals, 13:00 average pace (we know that's not completely accurate)

Week Total Mileage: 28

Marathon Training Mileage: 168.67
YTD: 594.99

I started my strength training over this week, since I had completed the 8 weeks. I'm really working on form, and when I can, I add some more weight or do the advanced form of the exercises.

My run on Tuesday night didn't go so well. I wasn't feeling great when I woke up, so decided to snooze a bit longer and run after work. I didn't get home until after 8, which meant half of my run was done in the dark. I was ok until mile 4ish when my stomach started giving me some issues. I had to slow down a bit so that I wouldn't puke. I also encountered two coyotes running together. Luckily, they saw me, but kept on running. Phew. The weather wasn't too bad, since the sun had gone down and wasn't beating down on me. Half the time, that's a major downfall, so it was nice not to have to deal with that. 

Thursday's run felt much better. Cooler weather (mid-70s), but high humidity, so lots of face wiping to stop my eyes from burning from sweat. I managed the 40/30 through the first 4 miles, then needed a few longer walk breaks after that, but mostly kept with the 40/30. Very happy with an average pace under 13:30.

Crazy hair, don't care.

The Chicago Bears 5k was a lot of fun. I wasn't running for time, but running with my mom, taking it easier so that I could save some energy for the 16 miler on Sunday. You can read my BibRave Review of the race here if you're interested. I'll eventually get a recap up on the blog too, but as you can see from my last recap, I'm a few months behind.

Hot day, but super cool to finish on the field!

Sunday's run was a bit of a tough one. I woke up early so I could start my run before it got crazy hot out. Well, thunderstorms prevented that. I don't mind running in rain, but obviously it's not safe to go out when lightning is in the area. I waited it out, and it finished around 9. The next one wasn't supposed to be until 1, so I figured I should be done before then. The humidity hit me like a wall when I got outside. I knew it would be bad, as our windows were all fogged up. I didn't think I'd make it 3, so was happy that I went to 8 before feeling like I couldn't go any farther outdoors. By this time, it was 90 degrees out with 70% humidity. I did stop briefly at mile 5 to fill up my water bottle and wipe down my face. 

It was the week of coyote sightings! Didn't think one would be
running out in the open in the middle of the day. Also, super sweaty me.

At 8 I stopped home to grab more electrolytes and to head to the gym. I forced myself to run to the gym, hence the other 1.8 miles outside. I was annoyed that I had stopped my watch, but impressed with myself for making the decision to run to the gym rather than drive, knowing how hot it was out there. By this time, I was having trouble keeping the 30/30 intervals and found myself walking more. At the gym, I did 60/60 intervals on a 1 incline for 6.2 miles. The towel I used to wipe my face was drenched. I tried new fuel for this run - the Skratch Labs fruit drops. They were really good. Anyway, I then walked home as a cool down.

I'll also note that it didn't storm again that day. And for a day that was supposed to be thunderstorms the majority of the day, it was awfully sunny out when I running. Boo. I kept thinking the night before, at least it will be cloudy. And I welcomed rain, just no lightning, since it would have felt oh so good. Oh well, that's Mother Nature.

That 16 miler was a doozy – took a lot of mental strength along with physical strength to finish in the heat and humidity, and even though I finished on the treadmill, which I was hoping to avoid, I'm glad I managed to get almost 10 outside before I let myself go indoors to finish, even though I was pooping out sooner. Having to push myself through these conditions will help me come marathon day, especially if it's a hot one like last year. I can tell I'm fairing better than last year, even though running in summer still isn't my favorite thing to do. Seeing improvements in speed through the hot days shows that I'm doing better than last year, so that's a nice reward.

*I do my mileage based off of my Garmin. I know the race was 3.1 and not that my watch was off (and the fact there was all the weaving and not running the tangents), but for me to keep track it's just easiest to use my Garmin stats and monthly totals. When adding everything up, I'd forget about the differences and confuse myself haha.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

chicago marathon training 2016: week 5

Week 5 of Chicago Marathon Training
Monday, June 13: Strength Train (week 8 - the final week of the program!)
Tuesday, June 14: 6 miles (40/30 and 30/30) CP; 1:23:03, 13:50 avg pace
Wednesday, June 15: Strength Train
Thursday, June 16: 6 miles (40/30) CP; 1:20:39 , 13:26 avg pace
Friday, June 17: Rest/Stretch/Roll
Saturday, June 18: 14 miles (30/30) CP; 3:21:51, 14:25 avg pace
Sunday, June 19: Rest

Week Total Mileage: 26

Marathon Training Mileage: 140.67
YTD: 566.99

I could not believe it was already the last week of my strength training program! I'll be starting it over again next week, and adjusting exercises to either be more advanced form, or upping the weight size. I'll definitely be focusing on the form, to make sure I am doing everything properly and hoping to get even more strength. Nothing has been coming easy to me yet, so figured another round without too much change would be a good idea before going too crazy with advanced forms ;)

I am definitely noticing a difference in my running and how my body feels during/after runs, and the strength training has significantly helped. I'm so glad I got wise and started up a program. I'm really happy with the one I chose too – it doesn't take too much of your time each week, but significantly helps your core and other major muscles that have to do with the runner's body and helping to prevent injury. 

I woke up early to do my run on Tuesday. I honestly turned off the alarm and thought about going back to sleep and just running when I got home from work. I decided to check the weather, and with thunderstorms in the evening, it was enough to get my butt out of bed. I didn't want to run on the treadmill using the intervals scheduled—such a pain to keep switching speeds on there so often/quickly. The run went nicely, with a 13:35 average pace. It was about 68 degrees out with 70% humidity and was partly cloudy. It was probably my most consistent pacing throughout the miles than I've had... ever. 13:34, 13:43, 13:32, 13:25, 13:42, and 13:41.

I managed to get up early again on Thursday for my 6 miles. I was quite impressed with myself haha. I'm much more of a lunch or evening runner, but with the hotter temps it's important to get my runs in before it's too miserable out. I didn't sleep great, and the first two miles felt tired. I got into a groove eventually, and the 6 miles felt fine dong 40/30 intervals throughout. 13:44, 13:27, 13:19, 13:21, 13:09, 13:36 for an average pace of 13:26. 

I'm starting to see improvements in my speed (or lack therefore), which is nice. It's always a great feeling to see in the data that the hard work is paying off.

For my 14 miler I hit up the trails. I did a 9.5 mile loop, and it felt pretty good. At that point I stopped to fill up my bottle and wash my face down with water I had in the car. It was getting pretty warm out by this point and when I looked at the temps they were in the 80s. On the final 4.5 miles, I was mostly in the sun and I started to crash around mile 10. I took longer walk breaks, usually about a minute, so was doing 30/30 the first 12 miles and then it was more like 30/60. My legs were feeling good, but my body was struggling with the heat. I think a majority of the final mile was walking. 

The trails are more hilly, so it definitely shows in my pace. I ended with a 14:25 average pace, which I was disappointed in until I realized it's about a minute faster than I was doing last year around this time on my long runs on the same trails, so I'm getting faster and stronger. My legs are getting used to more miles, which is good. Mile splits: 14:07, 14:22, 14:19, 13:16, 13:41, 14:34, 14:28, 14:00, 14:16, 14:18, 15:02, 14:43, 14:48, 15:56.

Overall, I'm very happy with how training is going so far. I'm super happy to be working with Sweat Tracker, because there is no way I'd be able to figure out a proper training plan myself, or know how to even big transitioning into different run/walk intervals.

How's your training going?

Sunday, June 19, 2016

chicago marathon training 2016: week 4

Week 4 of Chicago Marathon Training
Monday, June 6: Rest Day
Tuesday, June 7: Strength Training Week 7, workout 1
Wednesday, June 8: 6 miles at CP (30/30); 1:23:03; 13:50 avg pace
Thursday, June 9: Strength Training Week 7, workout 2
Friday, June 10: Rest day
Saturday, June 11: 6 miles at CP (40/30 for 1.51 miles outside, then 40/30 for 1–4 on the treadmill, 30/30 the last .5 mile) 1.51 = 20:34, 13:39 avg pace. 4.5 treadmill = 54:25; 12:05 avg pace
Sunday, June 12: 12 miles at CP (30/30); 2:54:02, 14:30 avg pace

Week Total Mileage: 24.01 

Marathon Training Mileage: 114.67
YTD: 540.99

6 miles with my Amphipod Hydraform Ergo-Lite Ultra 20oz.
Perfect size for this thirsty lady. Also loving the NB Vongo and my new
Momentum Jewelry band.

This was an 'easier' week, to recover from my back-to-back half marathons the weekend prior. Week 7 of strength training really did crank it up a notch. Whooeeee.

I had to switch up the schedule a bit. I was supposed to run 6 miles Friday and 12 on Saturday, but I was caught at work late on Friday and with the heat, I just wasn't feeling 6 miles by the time I got home. Plus. Saturday was supposed to be crazy hot, while Sunday was a bit cooler, so it seemed smarter to get the long run going on the cooler day.

I started running in my New Balance Vongos and the more they get broken in, the more I'm digging them (I always wear my new shows for errands and walking around before running in them). Enough cushion with still being lightweight. I timed getting new shoes poorly, as I should have already had 2 pairs for rotation, and I was only using 1. This was working fine, but when I've had to do the back-to-back runs, I've worn the same shoes, which sometimes gives me knee pain (because the cushion hasn't had a chance to bounce back, or whatever the proper terminology would be haha). Also, my current Lunarglides have just about had it, so I should have also already been breaking in a new pair of those. I finally got a new pair, and have 1 old pair of shoes and 2 new pairs to continue breaking in. Anyway...

6 miles on Wednesday went well. Saturday I slept through the alarm, and by the time I got outside, it was already in the 80s, plus there was an air quality warning. Running with asthma can be tough enough, but when I got only a half mile in, I was having more trouble than normal and I was feeling nauseous. I decided to call it quits at 1.5 miles. Having to get to the dentist, I decided to shower and get that done and then go to the gym later to finish my miles. Running on the treadmill wasn't ideal for having to try out some new intervals for running walking (generally on the treadmill I can manage to run for 2 minutes and then run 1 minute... but since I was trying out new intervals I didn't want to deviate). 

After the gym. Wore my new Oiselle Strider Shorts - love the longer length.
I used to never wear the spandex-like shorts when running, too self-concious,
so I usually only wore them with a skirt or the kind that have the looser shorts
over them. I've gotten more comfortable with my body and am confident now
to wear them alone. I am what I am, and I work hard every day to improve
my strength and speed, and am proud of that. I run this body, as the cool kids say :)

I had attempted to create a workout for the treadmill equipment through the website before going to the gym, but when I tried signing into the treadmill it wasn't there. That was annoying. So, every 40 and 30 seconds, I had to press the screen to switch from the run to the walk. That got tiring. At mile 4 I dropped back to 30/30. It went fine, and my stats were pretty good, but pretty sure my watch is a bit inaccurate for indoor running (even though I also have the foot pod). I had the treadmill at a 1 incline, since I think a 0 is too 'easy' in a way, and for me doesn't represent how it feels to run outside. I need some type of resistance/difficulty added in, since the treadmill helps propel you.

12 miles on Sunday I did about 9 on the trails which are more technical and tricky than my usual trail (plus, more hills than any of my usual routes). I like running there because it gives you a chance to use some different muscles and helps build them up, along with ankle stability. It was warm out, but survived with a 14:30 average pace.

Tried out some new trails. Saw this little (actually sort of large) guy crawling
across, so obviously had to get a photo of him!

All week I had been using my new Amphipod Hydraform Ergo-Lite Ultra 20 oz bottles. So far I'm loving it. No leaks and it has a nice jet-stream nozzle. I'm able to fit in my iPhone 6 with it's giant case, plus a key and my inhaler. Love that. After 10 miles Saturday I drank the first 20oz, so stopped to fill back up. And then I continued to drink the entire 20oz in the last 2 miles. It had gotten warm and I apparently was extremely thirsty haha.

I'm happy with how training is going, and I think I say this every week, but I'm so glad to be working with the Sweat Tracker team again. They are really helping me improve. I honestly wouldn't know how to begin a training plan for a marathon, let alone trying to figure out how to increase my speed or change my run/walk intervals. They have worked so well with me and figuring out a great plan that works specifically for me. High-five.