Showing posts with label How I Met Your Mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How I Met Your Mother. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

week in review; march 31–april 6

Monday, March 31
rest day
Monday night was the hour long series finale of "How I Met Your Mother". I'm sad I won't have this show to tune in for anymore, but I do feel like it was time for it to end. I'm glad they were able to do a ninth season to wrap it all up. I won't spoil any of the moments/secrets/surprises, but I have to admit, I was a little mad at the ending. After sleeping on it, I woke up having had come to terms with it. In a way, it was a fitting ending, and the more time passes, the more ok I am with it. What did you think of it?

Tuesday, April 1
rest day
It's April, ya'll! Can you believe it? I can't, seeing as the weather is still usually in the 30s or below. Sunday and Monday were pretty beautiful days (sunny and in the 40s), but it was back to colder temps on Tuesday. It was another Tuesday night of trivia, in which we did fairly well, but not good enough to place. Same old tune.

Wednesday, April 2
rest day
Another rest day, I'm embarrassed to admit. I was having trouble sleeping, so instead of waking early to run, I decided to stay in bed. Lazy me. That evening I had to make a trip to Target for some birthday gifts for the three kid parties we have this month, and then D and I went out for dinner. 

Thursday, April 3
2.5 miles on the treadmill while watching "LOST" in the morning. 
Yep, even though one of the pups was snuggling adorably with me in the morning, I managed to roll out of bed and get a short run in. Go me. That demonstrates huge willpower, as she isn't always snuggly, so it's a treat when she comes up on her own and does. Melts my heart every time haha. Thursday night I had an eye doctor appointment and picked out a new pair of glasses (frames). I can't wait for them to come in! I'm so nerdy. My doctor gave me some new contact lenses to try out, and when I went to take them out at home before bed, had the hardest time doing so. Apparently, their method is different than what I was used to, and I had to look up the best way to take them out. It's a bit weird, but I'm hoping I'll get used to them in time. They are really comfortable for all-day wear. Not that my old ones weren't, but these are just a tad bit better at keeping my eyes from drying out.

Friday, April 4
rest day
Friday evening was spent finishing up "American Horror Story Asylum" and getting all my gear ready for the Chicago Quarter Marathon in the morning. I loved how AHS finished the season. Seriously, watch it if you haven't yet. I can't wait for the "Coven" season to come out on streaming for Netflix. "Asylum" took a long time — I think "Coven" had nearly finished before it was released to stream. Oh well. 

Saturday, April 5
Inaugural Chicago Quarter Marathon (6.55 miles)
The race went pretty well, and I was very pleased with how I did. My official pace was 3:15/mile, which was a personal best for any race since 2012, and a distance PR as well (I'll lump this distance in with the 10k's). I'll recap the race in another post later this week. After the race, I had to rush home to shower and head out to Indiana for a one year old's birthday party. It was a great time seeing friends and all their adorable, hilarious children. After that, since we were already in Indiana, my DH and I decided to hit up Three Floyd's. It was a 15–30 minute wait – I wasn't paying much attention, and the time went by quickly as we sat in the sun (to stay warm, the shade was too cold) chatting. We ended up staying there for about three hours... I guess we had a lot to talk about :) I had a delicious craft root beer (I'm a huge fan of root beer). On our way home from there, we stopped at a restaurant/alehouse to meet some friends we haven't seen in a while for a quick catch up. I hadn't seen one of the gals in so long, even though I was exhausted, I couldn't pass up the chance to see her. Basically, I was out of the house for over 12 hours. When we got home, I immediately went to bed and left the DH to feed/take care of the dogs. Sorry, pal.

Sunday, April 6
1 mile (give or take) walk with the dogs
Yesterday was gorgeous weather (sunny and in the 50s), so of course we had to take the girls for a walk. I think they're both a little out of shape from the long winter, as their usual route had them panting only a few blocks in. I can't wait for the weather to be like that more frequently, so they can get out for walks more. They love it! My quads were a bit sore from the race, so it was nice to get out for a walk and stretch the legs. After the walk, I had a quick breakfast and then got to work cleaning the house and doing laundry. I love doing these tasks when the sun is shining in the windows, and it's even warm enough to open a few and get some fresh air in (and stale air out) after the loooong winter we've had. We had plans to meet up with some friends for an early dinner and drinks — the food, drinks and company were wonderful (lots of friend time this weekend, it was great!). We obviously had to be home by 8 pm for the premier of Game of Thrones Season 4. It did not disappoint. DH and I have both read the books, and I like to pick up on things that are different between the two. They obviously will need to deviate from the plot, as they are doing seven seasons, and Mr. Martin has yet to finish the series. I'm thinking maybe by 2030? There's no way they'll be finished before the tv series ends (they plan on doing 7 seasons, and I believe I read they were renewed for 2 more, which would make it 6 for now).

Anyway, that was my exhausting week. How was yours? Did you have a race/how did it go? Do I go into too much detail about things that aren't running/race/health related? What did you think of the "HIMYM" finale, if you watched? Are you into craft beer? What's your favorite brewery?

Until next time, friends!

Friday, March 21, 2014

friday five

Oh my word, am I happy it is Friday! The sun is shining, it's supposed to get up to 53 degrees for a brief time today, and I'm looking forward to the eventful weekend ahead. This is my first 'Friday Five' post, so let's jump on in... don't be mad it's not running related.

1. Have you listened to the new album by Foster The People – Supermodel? I'm jamming to it right now at work using the Spotify app (which is also something I've been loving for quite some time), and am thoroughly enjoying it. I find myself dancing in my seat a bit... not embarrassing at all. Check it out, if it's the sort of music you're in to (or if you're looking to branch out). 

2. Loving me some Bigelow Decaffeinated Green Tea this week. As you might know, I've been fighting off a nasty sinus infection these past two weeks, so I've been drinking a lot of OJ and tea, which helps soothe my throat and keeps my coughing at bay. I love the taste of this green tea mixed with a smidge of honey, plus, they say the antioxidants in green tea are good for you, so double score.

3. I'm a Naturebox subscriber, and one of my favorites snacks to get every month are the Italian Bistro Pretzels. I am a HUGE snacker. Like, I'm pretty much eating something all day long. I like Naturebox because they use high quality ingredients and are minimally (if at all) processed. I figure if I'm going to be snacking, I could at least be eating something a little better than, say, Doritos or Cheetoh Puffs. I'm also a very picky eater (read: not a fan of veggies, and most healthy food items do not taste good to me), so it's a relief to find a product that I think tastes good that isn't horrible for me. I'm sure there are plenty of healthier options, but let's take one step at a time, shall we? I also like that they give back by making donations to WhyHunger, helping fight poverty and hunger. It's always nice to patronize companies that do good things for others. You can also cancel/pause/change your subscription at any time... I love the lack of commitment that's required. If you're interested in trying it out, shoot me an email and I can send you a link for $10 off your first box (bonus for me, I'd get a $10 credit as well). I'm not sure why they don't have individual referral links anymore. Weird.

4. We are more than mid-way through March, and I've been laughing daily at my day-to-day calendar on my desk at work, which has quotes from the US version of The Office. It's nice to have something at the office that guarantees at least one smile for the day.

5. The series finale of How I Met Your Mother is in a week and a half. Ahhh! I'm looking forward to seeing how they decided to end it. I know a lot of people are annoyed or dislike the way this season has been going (that every episode is during the weekend of the wedding), but I've been enjoying it. I feel like the writers and actors brought their A game for this final season. Just my opinion. I'll be sad when it's all over, but I think it's the right time for it to end. Nine seasons was a good run.

So that's it. How about you all? Any snacks you are in love with? Did I do this 'Friday Five' thing right? New albums/bands you are listening to? I'm always looking for recommendations :)

Have a great weekend!