Showing posts with label Michelob Ultra 13.1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelob Ultra 13.1. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

week in review; june 2–8

Monday, June 2: 1.07 miles run/walk

Tuesday, June 3: 2.72 miles run/walk

Wednesday, June 4: 1.10 miles run/walk

Thursday, June 5: 3.33 miles run/walk

Friday, June 6: 1.07 miles run/walk

Saturday, June 7: 13.35 miles run/walk (Michelob Ultra 13.1 Chicago, I always have a bit extra mileage for races...)

Sunday, June 8: 1.13 miles run/walk

Week total: 23.77
#RWRunStreak Challenge total: 39.72 miles

I have to admit, I'm pretty pleased with myself for maintaining this running streak for 2 weeks. It's my first experience streaking, and I wasn't sure how it would go over. I had a few reservations. Would my knees, feet, and shins be able to withstand 40 straight days? How would I manage to get in the runs on busy days? Do I have the willpower to wake up early most days to check it off the list for the day? So far, things have been going pretty well, and squeezing in one mile on my usual rest days hasn't been too much of an issue (I know it's quick, but it sometimes takes me a while to get moving and out of the house haha. Seems dumb for one mile, but it is what it is.). 

Monday night I got my hair cut—just took 1.5" off, but it'll be nice to have a bit less for summer. Thursday I headed over to Fleet Feet in Old Town to pick up my packet (and my mom's) for the race on Saturday. Saturday ended up being a hot day for a run, and the sun was beating down on us almost the whole time. Since it was so warm, I decided to take it easy and just hang with my mom for the whole race. Not a great finish time (unofficially 3:15:40), but decent enough for us, and honestly, it was a better time than any of my half marathons last year (beating my best from 2013 by about 3 minutes). I've mentioned before how slooooow I am, now you see what I mean haha. I'm finally starting to feel better about races, and my nerves aren't as bad as they used to be. I don't know why I would get so nervous, but I did, and it would usually have a negative effect on my races. So I'm obviously happy that it's getting better. After the race I had lunch with my mom, showered, and spent the rest of the day relaxing and reading. 

Saturday night after the race I met up with some friends, and Sunday was spent doing laundry, reading (I'm about half way through my library book), cleaning, and hanging out with the dogs and the husband. It was such a beautiful day, I loved getting to open up the sunroom and sit in there reading and relaxing. Ahhhh. There's only a handful of days we can enjoy that, since it isn't air conditioned and we basically have two seasons here: winter and summer. I'm a wimp, so once temps are in the 80s and the humidity hits, if there isn't a good breeze, I don't sit out there. With weather like that, I find the only appropriate outdoor activity to be swimming haha. I actually laid out there Saturday after the race with my compression socks and just listened to the breeze. It was lovely.

How was your week/end? Any races or long runs? Do you lessen your training in the summer months?