Showing posts with label Riot Fest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riot Fest. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

a look back on summer

Hi all! I figured with October's arrival and the end of summer (I know, it was officially fall last week), I would take a look back on how my summer went as far as training, blogging, and just life in general.

By the date of actual summer, I was in the middle of my first ever Running Streak. I was participating in the Runner's World Streaking Challenge, which began on Memorial Day and was lasting until Independence Day – 40 consecutive days of running! I extended it by 20 days, and ended with a 60 day running streak. I really enjoyed it, and it was very motivating to get out and run even when I wasn't feeling it. It was also a great way to push myself and showed me that even when I'm tired, I can accomplish a decent run.

Summer also began my journey of training for not only my first marathon, but the Dopey Challenge. Maybe for some, a 29 week plan (week 28 is the challenge and 29 the week after) is extreme, but I really liked the idea of having a long time to train my body to run the long miles, while also (hopefully) avoiding injury. So far it's been going really well. I've had some aches and pains in my feet and hips, but I've been working on keeping them just aches. I really like how every other weekend is a long run, while in between are shorter ones to help the body rest and recover.

I'm proud of myself, because this is the first time I have been sticking to a plan to the T (granted, some days I have to switch the miles around, but I've gotten in every long run so far), and keeping up with the run/walk method consistently. I'm happy with how training is going, and am anxious/excited/nervous/all the feelings about my 'firsts' coming up – first 15 miler, 17 miler, etc.

This year, thanks to the running streak and being consistent with training, I have my first runner's tan! Now, I don't tan much. I have fair skin and generally just burn. This summer, however, I have actual tan lines, so to me, I am tan haha. I have the lovely watch white line on my wrist, visible shorts lines on my legs, and the racerback tank lines on my shoulders and back. As a reminder, I was very good with putting on my sunscreen, but for those long races, I didn't reapply. 

Another thing I began in the summer (well, late May... but that's really the feel of summer starting) is joining up with the DC Trifecta for Friday Five posts - Cynthia, Mar, and Courtney. Here is my first link up post on Five Places I'd Like To Run. A few other favorites include: Friday Favorites, Fall Preview, and Five Things I Love About Blogging. It was also very exciting to be featured on one of the hosts Friday Five posts: Blogs To Love!

I've run a handful of races in the summer, but I generally just have fun and don't race race because I have issues with the heat (pass out type issues - my Irish body hates the heat and humidity haha). I'm still in the process of recapping, but here's a few: 13.1 Chicago Half Marathon, Burgers & Beer 5k, Rock 'n' Roll expo/5k. For all of my races/recaps, click here.

Rock 'n' Roll Chicago 5k - Shalane Flanagan's autograph!
13.1 Chicago Half Marathon

In late August, I became a BibRave Pro Ambassador! It's been such a joy getting to know the co-owners, community manager, and the other pros over the past few months, and even more so now that I'm a Pro myself. I haven't had the chance to run any races officially as a Pro, but I've been rocking my tank and shirt during races I registered myself for and my training runs. I have had the opportunity to try out some amazing products, though, which you can expect reviews on in the next few weeks (Jabra Sport Wireless+ (went for the first test spin yesterday, which went well), Zensah Ultra Compression Leg Sleeves (will wear after my 15 miler this weekend), and Hoist (also tried yesterday – very tasty! Will bring on my 15 miler for more testing). 

Don't forget to head on over to and review the races – you can link back to your own blog posts as well! It helps other runners decide which races to register for :) I have a few discount codes for you for some races, so head over here to grab them and register. Also, set a reminder for every Tuesday night at 8PM Central Time for #bibchat! We discuss a different topic every week pertaining to running, nutrition, safety, obstacle races, etc. It's super fun!

Finally, in September, I became an Ambassador for ENERGYbits. I had tried these little green tablets back in June, being skeptical, but found out first hand how wonderful they are. You can read about my experience with it here. They help keep my hunger at bay, give me energy needed when tired, and help me to focus. 

I use them before running, in the morning when I need an extra boost (I'm not a coffee drinker), and before other workout classes. I've found them extra helpful for race mornings, as I have a nervous stomach and can't eat anything before the race – just pop some of these bad boys and I'm off (15 minutes later)! If you'd like to try a sample, send me an email, or if want to buy a bag (of any bits), you can receive a 25% discount using code 'HeatherRuns'. Let me know what you think!

It's been quite the whirlwind of a summer. A few fun personal happenings included a wedding for my college buddy, Lollapalooza, Riot Fest, girls trip to Michigan, dinners/drinks with friends, taking Bar Method classes (I still need to write up my review for that), and a lot of fun races.

Women Rock Chicago 10k - bubbly at the finish :)

Greenbush Brewing Co. with some great friends.

St Joseph, Michigan.

Summer in the city.

Riot Fest necessities.

How did your summer turn out? Did you meet the goals you set for yourself? Anything you missed out on? Hope this post wasn't too long and boring for you!

Monday, September 15, 2014

week in review: september 8–14

Dopey Challenge Training: Week 11

Monday, September 8: Cross Train (Bar Method – 60 minutes)

Tuesday, September 9: Cross Train (Bar Method – 60 minutes)

Wednesday, September 10: 3.33 miles

Thursday, September 11: Cross Train (Bar Method – 60 minutes)

Friday, September 12: rest day

Saturday, September 13: 3.41 miles

Sunday, September 14: rest day

Weekly mileage:  6.74 miles
Total mileage for Dopey Challenge Training: 165.03 miles

What a week! I only ran twice this week, as I was at Riot Fest all 3 days this past weekend, and I just couldn't bring myself to run again on Sunday. Talk about exhausting! I've got a blister on the bottom of one of my toes because I had to wear boots everyday, due to the muddy conditions. It was a lot of fun, but my entire body is sore from standing for so long each day. Not to mention I'm just plain tiiiiiirrrrreeeed.

Some of the carnival.

Fire Dancer... is that what they're called? Either way, it was crazy!

The Flaming Lips.

Bar Method classes went great this week! Unfortunately, this was my final week of class. As much as I loved it, and as much as I notice a difference in my strength and can tell I am more toned, I feel with my Dopey training mileage amping up soon, it's best to concentrate on my running, rest days, and other forms of cross training. I plan on joining the gym this week so I can start swimming (looow impact cross training, thank you, but still quite difficult). I learned a good amount during my month of classes, and will continue to do some of the workouts on my own. I would love to take more classes come the spring, if I can swing it.

Saturday = cooooold. As much as I love those temps,
my body isn't quite ready for them.
I saw a funny sign outside a coffee shop that said

Repping some of my favorite companies:
Orange Mud hat, ENERGYbits sunglasses,
and Picky Bars t-shirt (though I couldn't get
my arms to reach far enough away to show it).

I did not feel like going for a run on Saturday before heading back to Riot Fest, but I took some ENERGYbits and got my butt out the door for a short 3.41 miles. Thanks to my bits, I was able to keep a pretty good pace (for me) the entire time. It's funny how now, when I feel like I'm going slow, I'm still a minute faster per mile than I used to be. That's a great feeling!

Remember I have an ENERGYbits giveaway going on now, so make sure to enter before Friday! The winner will be announced Friday afternoon. Or, if you're looking to buy a full bag, use promo code 'HeatherRuns' for a 25% discount!

Couldn't get a focused photo, but Picky Bars and ENERGYbits
helped me get through the exhausting weekend.

On a side note, was featured in a recent Runner's World article about Chicago. Check it out here. Also, Jessica (one of the co-founders of BibRave) completed an The North Face Endurance Challenge Wisconsin on Saturday (50 mile trail race!). And by completed, I mean she demolished it! She won 1st place in her age group, and was the fourth female overall – that's amazing! She's an inspiration, and her BibRave family is so proud of her! Join me in congratulating her on this amazing accomplishment. You can check out her review here, and don't forget to review your own races while you're there :)

How was your week? Did training go well? Any races over the weekend? Let me know how it all went :)