Showing posts with label Water Bottles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water Bottles. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2014

friday five: five things in my gym bag

I'm linking up again with the DC gals for the Friday Five: Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed up for What?, and Mar at Mar on the Run. The theme for this week is five things in my gym bag. I don't belong to a gym anymore, but these are things that I bring with me when I do trail runs. Without further ado....

1. Sunscreen – I know this is a little weird, since most people's gym bags are for indoor activities, but since I'm going off of an outdoor activity, it makes sense for me. I have very fair skin that, honestly, begins to burn the instant it hits sunlight. So, for me, sunscreen is a must (plus, it's a important to use to help prevent things like skin cancer and early aging). I'm on the hunt for the perfect sports sunscreen, but have tried Coppertone Continuous Sport Spray and Neutrogena Ultimate Sport Spray. They were ok, but I'd love to find one that doesn't give me that greasy feeling. I don't remember for the Coppertone one, but I didn't like that after spraying the Neutrogena you then had to also wipe it in. I get you want even coverage, but if I wasn't near soap and water to wash my hands, then I am very likely to get it in my eyes, which burns (I rub my eyes a lot, and tend to forget that I shouldn't). Also, I like to have as few steps as possible. I've heard good things about Banana Boat, so I'm going to try that next. I also use the sunscreen sticks for my face and ears.

2. iPhone with Yurbuds – I need me some music when I'm running, and I love the Yurbuds Inspire Pro for Women. They stay in my ear, and I like being able to control the volume and skip songs via the 3-button dry mic. I've tried using Siri as well with the mic, but she never seems to be able to translate what I'm saying into text very well, but that's a Siri problem, not the earphones.

3. Water Bottle – I'm very particular about water bottles. I really love my Camelbak Eddy and Eddie Bauer Freezer water bottles. I don't use the freezer core on the EB often, but if I'll be out for a long time in the summer heat, I add it in. It's a great one to keep in the car for when I'm done, because it's still cold. I also love that both are 'no-spill', so they can be tipped upside down without make a mess. Another bonus is they both have nice tops with loops that I like to carry them by (with a finger or two). Sometimes my teeth start to hurt from having to bite the Camelbak, which is why the EB one is great – just a sip straw!

4. Chapstick - this is a must! I hate dry lips. For working out I use Chapsitck moisturizer (I don't like using the scented/'flavor' ones when I exercise, but love them for everyday use. EOS is my recent favorite).

5. Body/Face Wipes – After a sweaty, dusty trail run, I like to wipe down before having to get in the car and drive home. For the face, I really like the Simple brand wipes. I've tried both the Cleansing Facial Wipes and the Radiance Cleansing Wipes and liked them both. For body (which needs a bit more oomph than the face wipes provide), I've found that Action Wipes work really well.

There you have it! There's plenty of other things I bring/like to have in my 'gym' bag, but these are a few of my essentials (you know, other than the obvious—shoes, shirt, shorts, bra, socks, GPS watch is always a must, so include it with the shoes list haha).

What's in your gym bag? What are your must-haves? Anything unusual?

Thanks to CourtneyCynthia, and Mar for hosting! Make sure to check out their "Friday Five" posts and link up if you are joining in!