Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

my spring goal race is over - now what?

Hello friends! My big goal race of the first half of the year is over and I've finally written all of my posts recapping the experience. If you're interested it's the Illinois Marathon expo + pasta feed, Illinois 5k, and Illinois Marathon. I was extremely pleased with how I did at the marathon – I beat my main goal by over 3 minutes when I wasn't sure I'd even hit my goal during the first half of the race (it was very windy and I just had a lot of doubts rolling through the brain). 

I'm not even sure I've fully processed it yet, as it's been a whirlwind since. The day after I 'ran' another half marathon (with shin pain half way through I pretty much walked the second half... slowly I might add), took a week off, and then was back at it with a half marathon the next weekend, and then a few days later I flew out to California for runDisney Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend, where I spent a lot of time on my feet at the expo, parks, running all three races, and what seems like hours spent in line for everything (purchases at expo, corrals, security, to get into parks, and then waiting for all of the rides). I had some sore feet, let me tell you.

Anyway, I have three more weekends of races and then will have a bit of a break in the summer (it gets too hot here, and with humidity (I get sick in that kind of weather) I only do a few races throughout the months rather than every weekend haha).

Upcoming races include:
Chicago Spring Half Marathon on 5/21 (use code BRCHI17 for $10 off) 
Soldier Field 10 Mile on 5/27 (use code BibRaveSF1017 for a free water bottle)
Ridge Run 5k on 5/29
North Shore Classic Half Marathon on 6/4 (use code BibRaveNSC17 for a free water bottle)
Chicago Bears 5k on 6/24
Rock n Roll Chicago 5k on 7/15 
Rock n Roll Chicago Half Marathon on 7/16 (use code BIBRAVE15 for $15 off half valid until 7/9)
Burgers and Beer 5k on 7/17
BTN Big 10k on 7/23 (use code BibRaveBTN17 for a free water bottle)
Chicago Half Marathon on 9/24

Ok, so maybe more races than I let on haha, but it's not EVERY weekend like this past month has been so it seems like less to me.

Those races will be for fun. I never push too hard during RnR weekend because it's usually 90 degrees and 100% humidity. Ick. I'm supposed to be in recovery mode, and instead of short miles on the weekend, I'm running half marathons. So far my body is holding up, but I think not pushing too much is the key. Not running for PRs here, and for runDisney I ran with my mom and we stopped for photos.

So other than these fun races I'll be doing, what else is on the agenda? Well, my next big goal race is Chicago Marathon. I'd REALLY like to get under 6 hours. I'll have to shave off 6 minutes from my current PR, and about 16 minutes from last year's finish time. I think it's doable, but closer to race day I'll talk strategy and finish times with my coach and see what he thinks is realistic. Training should start up next month I think.

I wasn't great about keeping up with my hydration game during vacation (I mean, I can only buy so many bottles of $3 waters), so my goal for the rest of the month is to get back to where I was before the marathon and drinking at least 64oz of water a day. I should be drinking more based on my weight, however, getting to 64 is a big deal for me, as I used to probably only drink 20oz a day. Once I can hit 64 consistently, I'll try upping it. 

Another thing I need to start focusing on again is strength training. I haven't been doing a great job with that in a while, and I need to get back in the habit. Not only to strengthen the muscles I need for running and to stay injury-free, but I also would love to lose some body fat. Going along with this, I want to focus more on my nutrition. I need to get back in the habit of weighing and tracking all of my food to make sure I'm getting the nutrients I need and not too much sugar/unhealthy fats. This is tough for me, as I absolutely love unhealthy foods. I don't drink as much beer as I used to, but I certainly enjoy it so that can add up to. I hate tracking it all, but I know it's the best way to be conscious of what I'm putting in my body and how much of it.

Do you set different goals throughout the year or have a few that you maintain all year round? I tend to need to re-evalutate throughout the year to help keep me focused. What are you hoping to achieve the second half of 2017? I know we are still in May, but with my goal race over, it was time to look again and see what I wanted to do for the rest of the year (besides having fun, of course).

Monday, February 6, 2017

2017 goals

Alright, we're already into the second month of the year, and I thought it might be a good time to finally chat about my goals for the year (yes, yes, I'm late haha).

I'm not into resolutions. Maybe it's just the use of the word, but to me it hold some negative connotations as something that always fails. I prefer to say goals, and I feel like they can be big or small, or maybe a group of small ones that lead to a big one. Either way, I work hard to achieve my goals, and it takes a lot of dedication, as I'm sure the majority of you are aware.

  1. 2017 miles in 2017. I joined the challenge again this year. I met 2016 last year in that I counted every step and mile I accumulated throughout the day. I hit 2016 in November. Total activity miles (running and walking activity data from Garmin) was 1207.8. A huge increase from 2016. For 2017 I plan to use only walking and running data (not all steps/miles accumulated throughout the day, but when I go for a walk or run). I have doubts that I'll hit 2017, but the real goal is to get more than last year.
  2. PR the Half Marathon Distance. I'm writing this set of goals late, but I've had them in my head, and I actually hit a PR at my first race of the year by nearly 6 minutes! Mission accomplished. However, of course it isn't quite good enough. I want to hit a 2:45 HM this year, so that's what I'm aiming for next.
  3. 6 hour marathon finish. I am currently registered for two marathons currently – Illinois Marathon at the end of April and Chicago Marathon in October. I'd love to get that finish time in April, but if not, I feel it's definitely achievable in October as long as training keeps going as is. This might be a lofty goal as I need to take off about 17 minutes off my current PR to beat this. I think it's attainable, though. I've been working hard and my pace is improving, and I feel like it's something I can push my way towards by the end of the year, if not sooner. And if not, then it gives me a goal to keep working towards in 2018. (PS Want to run Illinois Marathon, Marathon Relay, Half Marathon, 10k, or 5k? Use code bibravebonus to save $10. You can also use it on any of the I-Challenges (Full, half, etc). Read more here or here.
  4. Race at least once a month. This usually isn't too hard a task, but I like to keep it on my list so I don't forget. I think I have just about all of the months covered... I need a March race and I think maybe June and August.
  5. Continue to up my hydration game. Last year I improved leaps and bounds on my water intake (cutting WAY back on pop). I want this to continue for 2017.
  6. Focus more on nutrition/diet (by diet I mean the food that I habitually eat... not a diet trend kind of thing like Paleo or anything). I know that better running performance and recovery has a lot to do with nutrtion, and I'd like to hone in on that a bit more (I never pay much attention to what I eat, and honestly, I love some Taco Bell, pizza, fries, beer, and Cheetoh's... so cutting back on eating that stuff is part of it). I have the cookbook Run Fast. Eat Slow. and have made three of the recipes in there and loved them all. That's rare for me. I'm very picky and don't always go for the healthiest options, and I'm not big on veggies, so that doesn't make it easy. I feel like some of the recipes help hide the veggies so I get their nutritional values, but not the taste (like carrots and zucchini in the Superhero Muffins).
  7. I originally forgot this one when I initially posted and just remembered as I was looking at my watch! Oops. I want to hit 10,000 steps a day. My watch is set as auto goal, so I'd love to hit that goal everyday, but I know some days it might not be feasible (as the more I hit my goal and go over, the more steps it wants me to do the next day haha). I believe I've hit 10,000 everyday so far and only missed the goal my watch set for me once. Not too shabby, for me at least. I know on days I didn't run I had a hard time hitting those 10,000... and honestly 5,000 sometimes wasn't even in the cards. By trying to hit goal 1, it helps me meet this goal each day as well.

So those are my main goals for the year. I know I won't always be perfect, but trying to improve my health and happiness is priority for me. I know if I stay focused and try hard, that's what matters most to me. Sure, I'll have slip ups, and that's ok. It's just about doing my best.

Do you set goals or resolutions?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

2016: my miles. my gear. my year.

Disclaimer: I received a pair of 2XU Mid-Rise Compression Tights and a pair of 2XU Recovery Tights to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

Hello and welcome to Day 3 of BibRave series about New Year's Resolutions sponsored by 2XU! I was so excited to be a part of this campaign, as I have fallen in love with everything 2XU. If you have read my post on the MCS Elite Compression Tights or the Hyoptik Thermal Compression Tights, I think you've noticed already. If not, well I'll be telling you more about my new obsession.

2015 was a great year for me. I completed my first marathon as part of the Dopey Challenge, and then a few days later did the Castaway 5k to add two more medals to my collection since it was part of the Castaway Challenge. After only about 2.5 weeks, I had already ran 51.7 miles and earned 8 medals. 

I went on to do about 30 more races in 2015, one of which was my second marathon in October (Chicago), which didn't go so well. My training went great for the most part (I had to take a week off early on due to some knee pain, but came back the next week feeling great). I felt ready to go. Unfortunately, race day came, and with it so did 80 degree weather and full on sun. There wasn't a ton of shade on course, and I am a person that doesn't do well in heat, even if I train in it. I felt sick about half way through the race and never recovered. I made it to the finish line, but was very disappointed in my performance. VERY disappointed.

I partially attribute my poor performance to not having enough endurance for the longer distance. Though I made it through the training cycle without much trouble, I felt that maybe if I began training the longer miles more frequently, I wouldn't have suffered so badly. So maybe longer training plans for the next marathon so I can get those longer runs in more often. For me, I think practice is everything, and the more I do something, the better I get at it. Take half marathons, for example: I didn't do so hot my first few, as nerves and newbie-ness played a huge role. A few years later, I'm doing much better. I don't get nervous much, and my time has improved. I'm hoping that with more knowledge and practice at distances over 13 miles, I'll be able to conquer the shorter time requirements for marathons.

Let me add in that I was pretty sore post-Chicago Marathon (hips were sore, as well as my calves), but I tossed on my MCS Elite Compression Tights right after my shower, and wore them out of the town to hang with other running friends, and kept them on when I went to bed. I woke up and felt amazing. As if I hadn't just done a marathon the previous day. The only problem I had walking was due to a giant blister on the bottom of my foot. So for me, yeah, 2XU compression tights are MAGICAL.

Chicago Half Marathon followed by 5 more miles.
MCS Elite Compression Tights helping with recovery.

At Goose Island with fellow BibRave pals after the Chicago Marathon.
MCS Elite Compression Tights for the win!

And so with the first month almost complete for 2016, I share with you my goals. I am upping my mileage. 2015 saw a total of 584.24 miles. I'm gunning for 1200 in 2016 (so, 100 miles a month is the goal). Yes, that's quite the leap, I know. I am on track for my first month, and am extremely happy and proud. My legs and body are feeling good, so I think this goal is extremely attainable.

Part of how I am reaching this goal currently is through a running streak. I started the Runner's World winter streak, which was Thanksgiving through New Years - 37 days. I've kept it going and hit 60 on Sunday. Today will be day 63. 60 is the amount of days I made it on my last streak, which was in the summer of 2014, so I'm really happy to have passed that this year. 

Now, I am a smart lady, and I listen to my body. If eventually I start to feel injuries coming on, or my legs are too sore/tired to continue, I will stop the streak. And that's ok. I'll still be able to hit the 100 mile goal even if I don't run everyday. I know that rest days can be key to staying injury free, so I listen closely to what my body is telling me. Obviously I'm not going full out every day, and some days I'm only doing a mile at an easy pace, so they are sort of recovery days, right? ;) Seriously though, I want to be able to run for a long long time, so I won't risk major injury which can take me out of the this amazing runner's life I've been enjoying.

Thanks to my 2XU compression tights, I've been recovering much much quicker than I used to. In years past, I would take a few days off of running after a half marathon, because my legs were too sore and I thought rest was the best way to get them back to where they needed to be. I run a marathon (couldn't wear tights since it was so hot), put on my tights for recovery, and feel ready to run the next day. It's pretty amazing.

Have I mentioned that I also joined the 2016 in 2016 challenge as well? No? Well, I did. I am combining walking and running miles to reach this goal. This is also going well so far. I know it's early in the year, but starting it off with a bang is really motivational for me. 

Another way that 2XU is helping me crush my goals is that I can still run outside in the winter. Their Hyoptik Thermal Compression Tights are warm enough to allow me to get in long runs (which for a slow runner can be 3+ hours!). Plus, they are just so comfy to wear around the house for some extra leg love. I've worn them in 40–10 degree temps, but prefer them on their own at about 15/20–35 max. In 40 degrees I was too warm (don't worry, I have other 2XU tights to wear on warmer days now), and on the cold, windy days they are my base layer.

2XU Hyoptik Thermal Compression Tights letting me run outside during winter.

I've also been lucky enough to try out their Recovery Compression Tights (linking to the men's because the women's are currently off the site). They feel oh so good after a long run or when my legs are feeling a bit tired from all the miles. They are made with extra powerful PWX Weight fabric that stabilizes muscles, while graduated compression enhances blood flow for faster muscle repair. I've even slept in them. I wake up and my legs feel refreshed and ready to pound some more pavement (or the treadmill). Another awesome feature? I can wear them under my work pants to get all day compression and relief. 

Pardon all of the dog hair.
It's impossible not to have some on every article of clothing I own.

This is my favorite kind of recovery.
Recovery Compression Tights and puppy snuggles.

And for days that aren't below 30 degrees? You'll catch me in my full length mid-rise compression tights. I have a pair in Black/Cerise Pink , provided by 2XU, and also purchased a pair in the Slate/Lime Light. I love them both. Mid-rise = wider waistband than the regular compression tights. If you plan on doing a lot of bending, I'd recommend wearing underwear that's a similar color. I did find that my bright, colorful patterned ones peeked through a bit if the fabric stretched at all (like if you were doing yoga or bending down to tie a shoe, for example). Wearing black or grey undies to match the tights will help save some embarrassment. They are totally ok though when I'm just standing or running (yes, I had someone else check for me). I did the testing for you so you'd know ahead of time ;) 

Black/Cerise Pink

A view from all angles.
Slate/Lime Light

Some other favorites? Their socks! They are super soft, but offer enough support on my arches to help with my PF. I like both the performance low-rise sock (currently a New Year Bundle sale 3 for $40) and the Race VECTR sock (same deal - 3 for $40). The VECTR offer a little more support, so I prefer those on my long runs.

Pairing my Hyoptik tights with the performance low-rise sock.

I also bought a pair of shorts that I'll bust out once the weather allows for it (anything 50 and up, in my book!). I know, sounds like I bought a lot. I did. But during Thanksgiving week that had an AMAZING sale and I went a little crazy (seriously, with those deals, how could you not?).

I also recently purchased the Element Sport Jacket. It sounded like it would be a good late fall/winter/early spring kind of jacket. It's engineered with a 5:10 STRETCH membrane for complete flexibly and comfort while VAPOR+ SHINE technology maintains maximum protection from the elements. Light weight and breathable, it includes adjustable Velcro sleeve tabs, rear and two from side zip pockets, and shaped upper back panel. There's also a cinch collar toggle for a customized, secure fit.

Attempting to show you the back of the jacket.

It is nice and warm, and I love having some extra pockets to stuff my handful of kleenex. Yes, I'm a kleenex person (I'm a lady after all hehe), and in the winter go through a ton of them on my runs, with my runny nose...

I am so excited for this year of new challenges. What are you doing to challenge yourself in 2016? I would love to hear about it!

PS! 2XU Has offered us a 20% discount code to share with you all so you can gear up for winter—or whatever weather you need gear for... for me, that's all seasons ;) — RUN20 is valid until 2/29/16. Hop to it!

Check out the rest of the BibRave New Year's Resolution posts from my fellow friends and BibRave Pros:
Day 1: Katherine
Day 2: Emily
Day 4: Chadd
Day 5: Jeremy

Thursday, March 5, 2015

march goals

As we begin a fresh month, I am wiping the slate clean and getting back to business. January and February were tough months for me, as I switched gears in my career, completed the Dopey and Glass Slipper Challenge, and basically lost my motivation for running. I'm taking a deep breath this month and diving back in. So, here are my goals.

1. Follow the training plan I set up for my half marathon in May, in which I want to run sub 3:00. I know that's not a lofty goal for most, but I've never done it and am determined to hit it this year! With Dopey training I could tell my speed was improving (though not for marathon distance haha) and I hope it translates into the half.

2. Cross train 2x a week - for me this will be walking, swimming, biking, hiking... anything that isn't running, really. I'd like to mix in strength training as well.

3. Run at least 3x a week, with a monthly total of no less than 50 miles. I've been slacking since Dopey Challenge ended, and I really need to get back into logging big miles for Run the Edge's 2,015 in 2015 Challenge.

4. Drink more water (and by more, I mean at least 48 oz. a day).

5. Hit my goal of 10,000 steps per day at least 5/7 days a week. I'd love to hit it every day, but that's unrealistic for me at the moment. I'll be upping my game once spring comes 'round.

6. Read 1 book (ideally 2, but I haven't had a lot of free time lately, so I'm just hoping to finish one).

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

february 2015 goals

Hi guys! You may have noticed that I haven't been doing my 'Weekly Chase' goal blog posts. I was finding that my goals were pretty much the same each week, and I started to ignore  them a bit, so wanted to give myself a break so that I would be excited for when I started making goals again.

Obviously, completing the Dopey Challenge had been my main goal for a while, so that was always on my mind. Now that that is over, and a new month has arrived, I decided to make some new goals for the month of February.

1. Get back to hydrating DAILY. My goal for the month is to drink 48 oz (6 cups) of water a day. Since I'm not super into water on it's own, I'll mix it up between drinking regular filtered water and mixing it with flavored things like Nuun and MESTRENGTH (especially these when running). I'll use My Fitness Pal to keep track of my water intake.

2. Run at least 50 miles.

3. Create a training plan for my May 3 half marathon.

4. Read 2 books.

5. Stay consistent with my blog posts. I'm not always very timely on my blog posts. I'd like to get to the point where I am writing my posts the night prior to their schedule posting, so that it can automatically post at a certain time (so every Friday, write my post Thursday night and schedule for posting at 10am every week). 

6. Catch up on at least 5 race recaps. I am horrible at writing timely recaps from my races. I still have ones from last JULY that I haven't written. It's horrible. I write up the reviews on BibRave, so I don't know why I procrastinate so much on the blog recaps. For some reason, in my mind, I make it seem like a really tough, time-consuming task, when in reality, it's not that bad.

7. Take character photos during Princess Half Marathon Weekend! I am doing the 5k and the Glass Slipper Challenge (10k and half marathon). The first few times I did runDisney, I was on the slower end and didn't stop for any photos in fear of getting swept. Now that I'm a little faster, and less scared of being swept, I want to enjoy the race more and get a bit more for my money, which means stopping for photos. 

8. Try out some classes at the gym. They have a few interesting ones - Pilates Mat, Hatha Yoga, Pilates Barre, Cyclone Cycle (spin class). It's time I give some of these a shot to see if I like them enough to add to my routines.

9. Run at least 3x a week and Cross Train at least 2x a week.

Hopefully I didn't overload myself on goals... I was shooting for 5, but kept coming up with others I want to accomplish as well. Hopefully I get out of my winter doldrums and get back into a routine.

Do you have any goals for this month? 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

the weekly chase #33

On Tuesdays I join the Weekly Chase link up with Mindy from Road Runner Girl – thanks for hosting, Mindy! Below are my goals from last week and a little recap on how they went. Under that are my goals for this week. 

Weekly goals for November 17–23; recap

Goal #1 - Daily goals – 
A: Log and stay under calorie goals. 
B: Drink 48 ounces of water.
C: Eat healthier snacks/meals. 
D. Hit 10,000 steps per day via Fitbit.
I ate better and drank more water, but I didn't do much other than work, laundry, and cleaning (read: lots of laying around resting), so I didn't hit my steps. 

Goal #2 - Continue Dopey training - two 45 minute runs, 7 miles on Saturday.
If you read my week in review, you know my training was non-existant this week. I rested and tried to get healthier in preparation for this week's Dopey Challenge simulation (each day is about 2 miles less than the race day, actual simulation later in December).

Goal #3 - Roll with the stick/foam roll, stretch, and ice daily.
I didn't ice daily, but I did receive a Addaday roller thanks to the BibRave Pro program and have LOVED using it on the daily. It feels AMAZING. I also stretched.

Goal #4 - Cross train at least two days.

Goal #5 - Unpack, do laundry, clean house.

Weekly goals for November 24–30

Goal #1 - Daily goals – 
A: Log and stay under calorie goals. 
B: Drink 48 ounces of water.
C: Eat healthier snacks/meals. 
D. Hit 10,000 steps per day via Fitbit.

Goal #2 - Continue Dopey training.

Goal #3 - Roll with the stick/foam roll, stretch, and ice daily.

Goal #4 - Cross train at least two days.

Goal #5 - Clean house. I'd really like to clean/organize to get a head start before the new year rolls around and I feel overwhelmed. 

How about you – what are your goals for the week?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

the weekly chase #31

On Tuesdays I join the Weekly Chase link up with Mindy from Road Runner Girl – thanks for hosting, Mindy! Below is a recap of how the goals from last week went over, and my new goals for this week. 

Weekly goals for October 27–November 2; recap

Goal #1 - Daily goals – 
A: Log and stay under calorie goals. 
B: Drink 48 ounces of water.
C: Eat healthier snacks/meals. 
D. Hit 10,000 steps per day via Fitbit.
I did great with this goal this week! I didn't stay under my calories everyday, but I did much better with logging. I also hit over 10,000 steps everyday last week except for Monday, my usual day that lacks. I'm proud of myself for hitting it the rest of the week, since I often miss hitting it on weekdays.

Goal #2 - Continue Dopey training - this week has two 45 min runs and 8.5 miles on Saturday and 20 on Sunday.
Yes. My two week runs were closer to 30 minutes, since I had a lot to do on the weekends, but I managed all four days of running :)

Goal #3 - Roll with the stick/foam roll, stretch, and ice daily.
ALMOST everyday... so close.

Goal #4 - Cross train at least two days.
Only one day here, but I'm ok with that since I ran four days.

Goal #5 - Drink less pop - I am aiming for a weekly count of only 4 (I usually have one a day, so that would cut back on 3... baby steps).
I had 5, so only cut back on two days. This is a tough one for me.

Weekly goals for November 3–9

Goal #1 - Daily goals – 
A: Log and stay under calorie goals. 
B: Drink 48 ounces of water.
C: Eat healthier snacks/meals. 
D. Hit 10,000 steps per day via Fitbit (will use caution here, as my shins and calved have been sore since my 20 miler on Sunday).

Goal #2 - Continue Dopey training

Goal #3 - Roll with the stick/foam roll, stretch, and ice daily.

Goal #4 - Cross train at least two days.

How about you – what are your goals for the week?

PS Don't forget to join me tonight on Twitter for #bibchat at 8pm CT – we are discussing staying motivated, and food, of course ;) Follow BibRave, who will be asking the questions, and search #bibchat to see everyone's answers/connect with others! Great way to be inspired and get some tips.