Showing posts with label streaking challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label streaking challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

the weekly chase #12

Per usual, I am linking up my Weekly Chase goals with Mindy from Road Runner Girl. Below is a recap from how the goals from last week went over, and my new goals for this week.

Weekly goals for June 16–22; recap

Goal #1 - Continue to log all of my calories in My Fitness Pal.
I was at about 80% this week. Aiming for 100% this week.

Goal #2 - Continue to run every day for the Runner's World Summer Run Streak.
Yes! Still going strong (well, I'm a bit tired right now, but I'm still running at least a mile a day haha).

Goal #3 - Drink at least 48 oz of water/day (ideally 64).

Goal #4 - Hit goal of 10,000 steps/day via Fitbit (feel free to go to my contact page for the link to add me as a friend).
I was able to reach this goal every day except Monday, which I fell short Mondays are always hard for me to reach 10,000 for whatever reason. Perhaps I'm just tired from the weekend and long runs that I don't move around as much as I should. 

Weekly goals for June 23–29

Goal #1 - Continue to log all of my calories in My Fitness Pal.

Goal #2 - Continue to run every day for the Runner's World Summer Run Streak.

Goal #3 - Drink at least 48 oz of water/day.

Goal #4 - Hit goal of 10,000 steps/day via Fitbit (feel free to go to my contact page for the link to add me as a friend).

Goal #5 - Put all of my laundered clothes away.

Goal #6 - Finish reading The Book Thief and return to library.

Thanks for hosting the weekly chase link upMindy

Road Runner Girl

What are your goals for this week?

Monday, June 16, 2014

week in review; june 9–15

Monday, June 9: 1.08 miles / abs

Tuesday, June 10: 1.02 miles in the rain / arms

Wednesday, June 11: 3.24 miles / abs

Thursday, June 12: 3.17 miles / abs and arms

Friday, June 13: 1.11 miles / abs

Saturday, June 14: 9.26 miles

Sunday, June 15: 2.64 miles / abs

Week total: 21.53 miles
#RWRunStreak Challenge total: 61.25 miles

The Runner's World Streak continues! Sunday was day 21, so I officially made it half way as of Saturday's run. I also got in a few exercises to increase strength in my abs and arms (mostly variations of sit ups and crunches + push ups). Hoping to amp that up some more this week and get in different arm exercises.

The week was extremely busy, with limited time spent at home. While I enjoy seeing friends and family, or spending time with my husband outside the home, I did miss having at least one lazy evening on the couch haha. 

Monday night we went to dinner at Gordon Biersch so we could use the free entree coupon we had before it expired. We might have also gotten some frozen yogurt after dinner ;) Tuesday after work I met up with a friend I haven't seen in a while to catch up. Wednesday I did my run in the evening (when I checked the weather before bed, it said it would be storming in the morning, so decided an evening run would be best, when it was only 10% chance. Of course, it ended up being fine in the morning, oh well.), so by the time I got home, showered, and ate dinner, it was basically bed time. Thursday evening my husband and I went and saw my nephew play in his t-ball game (lots of little kids running around in their uniforms, most not paying any attention = adorable and hilarious), and then we had our monthly wine tasting date. Friday night we went to the White Sox game. The game itself was horrible and way too long (KC scored 5 runs in the first inning, for crying out loud), but the fireworks afterwards were pretty great. Saturday we went for a trail run/walk and then had dinner with his parents. Sunday was spent cleaning the house, and then some friends popped over for an hour before heading to their family's house, and then our families came over for a Father's Day BBQ. Another great, but exhausting weekend came to close, and here we are again at Monday. Why must the weekends fly by so quickly?

How was your week/end? Any races or long runs of note? Are you in the midst of training for anything?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Runner's World Streaking Challenge

Last Monday, Runner's World began their #RWRunStreak Challenge. The challenge is to run at least one mile a day for 40 consecutive days—Memorial Day through Independence Day. I was a bit unclear as to how the challenge worked from the standpoint of getting the miles logged, so unfortunately, I didn't get my Monday run logged in on time to count towards the streakerboard. However, I'm attempting the streak for fun and to motivate myself, so I still count it :) The problem was I have never used Map My Fitness (or Map My Run) before—I had downloaded it on my phone and created an account, but didn't really see a use for it, since I have always used a Nike watch or app—and manual entries aren't allowed, since some people have misused that option in the past. I didn't link my Nike+ account with Map My Fitness and import my run until Tuesday, so it didn't count. Oh well.

On their page describing the challenge, they note that: The streakerboard is sorted by mileage, but that doesn't mean that you should go out and try to run as many miles as you can each day. The main point of this challenge is to support healthy, sustainable running habits. 

They also mention on their Facebook Page: If you've been having difficulty logging miles with MapMyRun, feel free to use this forum thread as a way to "check in" each day with your mileage. However, please keep in mind that recording your runs there (or on MapMyRun) is not required to be considered part of the #RWRunStreak. All you need to do is run at least a mile day. This challenge is intended to be a fun way to promote healthy running habits. It's not a competition. 

Head on over to the Runner's World #RWRunStreak page for more details. You can also 'like' them on Facebook to get updates and find out what other runners participating have to say, or follow the hashtag (#RWRunStreak) on Twitter and/or Instagram—don't forget to share your own progress and help motivate other streakers!

Did you read or hear about the Californian man that set the U.S. run streak record of 45 years and 2 days? That's bananas! I have trouble believing that I'll make the 40 days of this challenge haha. What dedication. Anyway, we'll see if I can maintain my streak, but so far so good. It really is a great kick in the butt (that I oftentimes need) when I'm feeling tired or have that feeling of not wanting to go out and run... all I have to do is remember the challenge and I'm out the door :)

 Have you joined the challenge? Ever gone 'streaking' before? Thoughts on such challenges?