Showing posts with label wireless earphones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wireless earphones. Show all posts

Sunday, August 30, 2015

plantronics backbeat fit review

Disclaimer: I received a the Plantronics BackBeat FIT Wireless Headphones + Mic to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

If you are like me, you've tried your fair share of headphones, because, like me, you NEED some music when you are running. I'm sure I could get by on a run without music, but honestly, I just don't want to. 

After some searching, I finally found a pair of wired earbuds that worked well for me, but like most people, I wanted to try and find the perfect wireless headphones. No more wires messing up my photos. Plus, I already have so much on me (you might have noticed from photos or other posts that I am the kind of runner that likes to be prepared... aka brings way too much stuff with me on my runs), cutting that wire would be quite helpful in making me feel less encumbered. 

Red light means they are charging.

I have to admit, I've tried a few pairs out. They worked ok, but there was always some problem – music cutting in and out (drove me nuts), or the earbuds not fitting quite right, or the earbuds falling out constantly. Some other BibRave Pros had the chance to try these Plantronics BackBeat FIT before me, and they all had such great things to say, so I was itching to give them a try. Thanks to BibRave and Plantronics for giving me that chance.

Angie and I have had much discussion on headphones. We seem to have the same issue – finding a pair that stays in our ears and are comfortable during our runs. So when she said these worked quite well for her, I was intrigued.

When I took them out of their box, I already had a surprise. From the photos, I thought that the piece that went from one bud to the other was hard, but it was actually rubbery. That was good news, because I tried a pair that was hard and they bounced too much for my tastes. I was pretty excited because I received the blue pair – my favorite color. Yellow is the other option, which is cool, but I prefer blue :)

A feature I knew would be great for me was that they had a battery life of 8 hours. Considering my first marathon took about 7 hours to complete, it was nice to know I'd have a pair of headphones that would last the entire race. 

Another awesome feature is that they are waterproof. No more worrying about my sweat ruining them, or getting caught in the rain. Super good news for me since it rained the first time I used them, and then also I was super sweaty from 11.25 miles + heat and humidity.

Their first run, in fact, was a Saturday long run. I knew this was the test they needed, as any pair can manage to feel comfortable for a 3 miler. 11.25 miles of wear would let me know if they would stay in my ear, have no bounce, leave my ears pain-free, and not go in and out of sound. Check, check, check, and check. 

Another issue I sometimes run across is any type of headphone that goes over ears. I pretty much always wear sunglasses because my eyes are sensitive, and the over ear headphones become bothersome having to deal with that and my sunglasses behind my ear. The BackBeat FIT and my sunglasses worked well together, and even though the headphones go around the ears, they didn't interfere with my sunglasses. Yay!

They survived their first long run!

Like all good researches, one test was not enough. I used them on other short and long runs, outside and indoors on the treadmill and elliptical, and at Fort2Base (11.5 mile race). That waterproof thing came in handy again at Fort2Base as I got poured on about halfway through, briefly, and then again near the finish line. I didn't have to worry getting my headphones in ziplock bag, which was nice.

Both Angie and I with our BackBeat FIT
ready for Fort2Base.

They sync up via your phone's bluetooth, so of course there is the worry of battery life on the phone. I have a fairly new iPhone 6, and after my long runs, my phone still had more than half its battery left (so not only was the bluetooth on the whole time, but also playing music and having Nike+ running in the background). More points for these headphones. PS They were really easy to sync up.

While I appreciate other brands that give you multiple earbud sizes to try out, I can honestly never find the right size. They are all either too big or too small. These don't give you an option, but they fit my smaller ears just fine without any pain or falling out mid-run. I don't have to adjust them at all once they are in.

Once I read the instructions, I made mental notes of all the buttons, and had no problems during my run adjusting volume, switching songs, or turning off/on. A voice even tells you when they are on and connected, and when they are turning off. For music and once they are on, you just use the left side for volume, playing/pausing, or to switch songs (just tap the play button twice). They also charge up pretty quickly. They have a red light during charge which turns green when they are good to go.

Thumbs up for these wireless headphones!

They headphones also come with a carrying case that doubles as an armband. I don't like using armbands, but when traveling to Fort2Base, I used the case to hold my headphones and the charger. It was nice to keep it all together.

I haven't used them to take a call, but you can do so if you are so inclined. They've been great for music. I think of all the times I've used them, they've only cut out twice. Definitely manageable and bearable. 

These headphones are the best wireless pair I've tried out yet, and that's really saying something. You can get yourself a pair online for $129.99. They also sell spare eartips, if you need them, for $4.95.

Plantronics is sponsoring #BibChat on Tuesday at 8pm CT. Make sure to come by for the hour-long chat, and have a chance to win some great prizes. You can follow Plantronics different accounts here:

Read what the other Pros thought:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

jabra sport wireless+ review: part one

Honestly, I had a hard time deciding which gif to use.
So many great choices haha. I chose this one since
it is exercise themed ;) Source.

If you're like me, you love to run while listening to music. Also, if you're like me, you have a hard time finding earphones/buds that work well with your ear. I've gone through different pairs trying to find the ones that fit just right, stay in my ear, and are comfortable, as well as needing controls for the volume and play/pause/skip functions, so I don't need to bring my phone or nano out every time I need to adjust volume or want to skip a song. I obviously also want some good sound. In walks (or maybe I should say special mail day delivers) the Jabra Sport Wireless+.

I have been a lover of the Yurbuds Inspire Talk for Women for the past year or two, but had been thinking of going wireless for a while. I was so excited when this great opportunity to test out wireless Jabras came knocking on my door.

One of the perks of being a BibRave Pro (in addition to the occasional race entry and being part of an amazing community of runners) is that sometimes I get to try out some sweet products. One such product is the Jabra Sport Wireless+. I've only had the chance to try them out twice on shorter runs, hence the 'part one' of the review. I always like to try products on short and long runs to give them the full work up. I don't think you can get a feel for a product on just one or two short runs... at least one long run is necessary.

Jabra Sport Wireless+

The eargels and clip that come in the box.

What's in the box? You get the earphones, eargels, fitclip, USB charger, and a protective bag. Also, they save music time for these is 4 hours, standby is 120 hours, and talk time is 4.5 hours. Unfortunately, these won't work for me for my marathon, since I am slow and expect 6–7 hours to finish haha. Oh well. They'll be great for the shorter long runs ;)

Anyway, so far, so good! I have to admit, that it took me a while to get them on. There are so many different eargels (7) to try, which I'm thankful for, as everyone's ears are different and I've had trouble in the past finding a comfortable pair of earbuds that stay in. I tried to figure it out on my own, but ended up going to Jabra's website and watching this video. Very helpful, even though it seems so easy haha. I felt like a dummy for having trouble in the first place.

After taking out of the box and reading the instructions, I charged them for about 2 hours until the green light stopped flashing, indicating a full charge. It was extremely easy pairing the earphones to my Nano. The earphones automatically go into pair mode the first time you turn them on, and there was even voice guidance to help you pair your earphones with your device. You need a bluetooth enabled device, then, generally, you go to settings, turn on Bluetooth (or look for a new device to pair), the name of the product comes up, click on it and voila. It mentioned entering a password, but I wasn't required to do so in my process (not to say you wouldn't have to – depends on your device). 

One of my favorite Parks & Recreation episodes!

This is pretty great too. This is what I did when I
heard I would be testing out the Jabras :)

The earphones were comfortable while running and I found it easy to turn up the volume and pause. I need to check on the process for skipping songs and I'm set! I barely noticed them while running, and I really like that the wire behind the head is just that, a wire. They never felt like they weren't secure and didn't fall out at all. No bouncing (I used the Fitclip to secure the wire behind my head so it wasn't loose and flopping), which is a huge bonus in my book.

I was very happy that these are built towards US Military Rain, Shock, Sand, and Dust standards so it’s built to withstand the most intensive workout conditions. While I was out running Tuesday, it was either drizzling or Lake Michigan was spitting at me. Either way, I was happy to know my earphones wouldn't be ruined if they got a few drops on them. Hooray! It's also a bonus because I'm a sweater... big time! Take note that they ARE NOT water proof, but water resistant. They can withstand a short rain shower, but are not waterproof and cannot be submerged in fluids. If your device gets wet, it should be wiped clean of any traces of water in order to protect it from potential damage! 

The sound was good to me, and I didn't notice the it going in and out, like bluetooth devices sometimes do. I think it happened twice on my second run, but didn't have any troubles on my first run. That's awesome. Who can stand the music cutting in and out constantly? Fingers crossed I have great results on my 15 miler this weekend.

You can find out more about these earphones by going to Jabra's website, where you can also purchase them for $99.99 – a decent price for wireless earphones, I'd say (especially ones, that so far, work excellently). There's also a page to find retail locations that sell them.

My one concern is that they go behind the ear. I wear sunglasses almost always when running (I get headaches from squinting... which I do even on non sunny days. I must have sensitive eyes), and am not sure how sunglasses will fit on my head if they don't have ear space to hang out. This is why multiple wears are important — my short runs were on cloudy days and I forgot to wear sunglasses. I will let you know how it goes in part two of the review.

Thank you to Jabra and BibRave for the opportunity to test the Jabra Sport Wireless+ out! Head on over to and write reviews for your races, or look up races you're on the fence about to help you make your decision :)

Want other opinions? Check out the reviews from other BibRave Pros:

Some Pros also had a chance to try out the Jabra Rox a while back, check out their reviews:

*Disclaimer: Jabra sent me the Jabra Sport Wireless+ to review as part of the BibRave Pro Ambassador Program. All thoughts and opinions are my own, and are completely honest.